Few things in life are as rewarding as a summer barbecue. Everybody enjoys relaxing outside with friends and family while enjoying fresh air, delicious food, and good company. There’s not much that could disrupt a peaceful summer evening like this, but then again barbecues involve a lot of food that can attract not only your friends and family, but also insects. Nobody likes it when the bugs decide to infiltrate your party or when your guests end up crawling into bed that night with itchy bites all over their arms and legs. But lucky for you, this article will describe some easy ways to get rid of all those insects so you can enjoy your summer barbecue in peace.

When it comes to managing insects, there are lots of effective common sense solutions:

  • Cover up your food as much as possible so bugs are less attracted to it.
  • Clean up your garbage as soon as you can.
  • Avoid party locations that are near pools of standing water, which are particularly attractive breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
  • Use insect sprays, zappers, or lights to distract those insects and keep them away from you.

You can also try some of these natural solutions in cooking spots you’ll be using again and again this summer, like your backyard:

  • Plant marigolds. Insects do not like these flowers one bit, so they’re a great choice for spots where you like to BBQ.
  • Purchase some live ladybugs. Ladybugs eat other insects and will generally stay in the same area for a long period of time.
  • Try some Citronella. Citronella candles are a popular way to ward off insects at BBQs, and you can also plant citronella plants near your BBQ area.
  • Planting herbs like basil, lavender, or peppermint will also add a nice touch to your yard and keep the bugs at bay.
  • Get some chickens. If you live away from a big city, maintaining a small chicken farm and allowing them to feast on bugs will clear up your insect problem very quickly. You can even have BBQ chicken afterwards! Just kidding.

Attract insect-eating birds to your house with bird houses and some bird feed. You can also attract bats by putting a bat house in a nearby tree.

Trying out these tips individually or in a combination to eliminate as many bugs as possible at your next BBQ. Soon you’ll be enjoying a relaxing outdoor event—no matter what Mother Nature might have in store for you.