Spider in the middle of its webUtah’s cold winters may discourage all but the toughest, most resistant pests. But household pests will still invade your home searching for shelter, water, and exposed food. Here are common household pests that just might be living under the same roof as you:

  1. Spiders

    Learn to identify the four most common types in your area:

    1. HoboIf you’re bitten by the hobo spider, your wound may eventually turn black.
    2. Brown recluse—The brown recluse bite causes damage to surrounding tissues.
    3. Black widow—This is the most venomous spider in North America, more toxic than a prairie rattlesnake actually.
    4. Wolf spider—If you see eggs wrapped in silk, the probably belong to the harmless wolf spider.
  2. Carpenter Ants

    This ant is reddish in color and thrives on the damp wood in your home. The piles of sawdust left behind are a clue to call in the exterminators for ants.

  3. Assassin Bugs

    If you’re bitten by this bug, you may notice an inflamed area around your mouth. The pain is similar to a bee sting.

  4. Cockroach

    This household pest eats fabric and paper. Some of the adult species have the added convenience of wings. Look for the three most common types:

    1. Brown Banded Cockroach
    2. German Cockroach
    3. Oriental Cockroach
  1. Carpet Beetles

    Natural materials are on the menu for this pest. Your leather, fur, feathers, wool and silk may be damaged by this insect. However, they will eat your synthetic fibers if they have urine, perspiration, or food stains.

  2. Aphids

    Only the eggs of aphids can survive Utah winters. Once they hatch in warmer months and mature, they will attack your garden vegetables and fruit trees.

  3. Wood Borers

    Your stressed trees catch the attention of these critters. Tree bark is the birthing site for the larvae. Eventually, the hatchlings chew through the bark and the tree tissue.

  4. Clearwing Moths

    Your fruit and ornamental plants take a beating from moths. Similar in appearance to wasps and yellow-jackets, they damage peach and raspberry foliage.

  5. Thrips

    You may only see the yellow leaf specks left behind by this tiny intruder. Destructive to flowers and fruit, they also deposit a shiny black excrement in their adventures of ill repute.

  6. Darkwinged Fungus Gnats

    If you over water your potted houseplants, you’re inviting gnats to flutter in your foliage. Allow the soil to dry in between watering chores.

Once you can identify the most persistent insects, you’ll be able to get them out of your home much more easily. Lucky for you, if you do not want to spend your time studying pests, you can contact Utah Pest Control. Our professionals are trained to identify these insects, treat for them immediately, and ensure the health and safety of your home.  Tackling bugs when they first arrive prevents them from breeding and becoming bigger problems later. Your home and your yard will both thank you.

Another useful site for Utah Homeowners is the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food website, particularly the Insect Control page.